Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Admiration


Posted in response to the Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Admiration.  I don’t know the surfer in this picture, and while its a great sport, I’ve never had any kind of fascination with surfing in particular.   I decided to post this photo because it embodies something that I greatly admire: the ability to ride the waves.  Metaphorically, I mean.  Life can be so challenging, for some people more than others it seems, but what always fills me with admiration is when I hear the story of someone who has been able to “ride the waves” of life instead of “going under.” Or, better yet, someone who has been consumed by the waves, and then, somehow gotten back on their surfboard, tried again (and again and again), and found themselves triumphantly riding the waves of life. Facing challenges, accepting difficulty, and maybe even doing it with a smile is one of the most admirable things I can think of.   Here’s to all of us finding our surfboards amidst the waves, getting back on, and ripping a gnarly wave (I looked it up, and that’s slang for: Executing drastic and radical moves on the wave. Having it your way with a wave.)


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